Top 5 Vintage Items That are Making a Comeback


There are certain items that are simply timeless. They invoke a sense of nostalgia, and you can't help but smile when you see one of these authentic vintage pieces as you pass by an antique shop or run across one in a magazine. Many vintage pieces are becoming more and more popular today, as the appreciation for these unique items grows. Learn about our top five vintage items that are making a comeback in today's world.

Vinyl Records

Although it may seem easier to pop in your headphones and turn on your iPod, there's something special about placing a vinyl record in a record player and being transported to another time. Really establishing the mood, vinyl records have become increasingly popular with people of all ages in the last decade. From kids to older adults, there seems to be more and more enthusiasts getting entranced by the soulful sound of vinyl, complete with its imperfections. This has in turn developed a need for turntables, which are making their comeback as well.

Cozy Sofas

In the modern-day world, less seems to be more. Less design, less detail, less color. But plush sofas are having a moment. Velvet, cushy sofas are making their way back into more and more homes, as they prove to be more comfortable additions to the home. They not only provide a cozy space to talk and relax, they also add a bit of style to the room as well.

Classic Jukeboxes

We're not talking about the digital varieties that you see in some restaurants, but the classic versions with real records inside. Old-fashioned jukeboxes are making a comeback in many dining establishments across the country, bringing back the aura of simplicity, promoting good music and good company.

Stained Glass & Wallpaper

Stained glass is making a big comeback in the world of home and design, as it gives windows a bit of character, as opposed to the plain, contemporary designs of today. More and more homeowners are opting for stained glass to add a bit of life to the home, especially in these areas:

·       Kitchens

·       Bathrooms

·       Hallways

·       Foyers


Another trend that is starting to creep back into the home is patterned wallpaper. Not used all over the home, like it was before, but instead as an accent piece, patterned wallpaper gives the space a bit of color and style.

Old-Style Cameras

Film photography is also making a big comeback as well. More and more people want memories that are tangible, and are investing in actual cameras that take actual film, as opposed to the digital options that we see in the stores today. In fact, Polaroid released a new variety of camera just a few years ago that was well-received by the public.

Vintage Trends Never Go Out of Style

There's something special about these vintage items that bring with them a sense of uniqueness and simplicity. They may not be the latest technological breakthroughs, but they were built to last and built with care. So, the next time you run across a vintage piece, take a moment to appreciate where it came from and relish in its classic beauty. You never know what may make a comeback next!