Top Decluttering Myths, Debunked: PART ONE

As we prepare to bid adieu to 2022, it’s a good time to set some intentions for the new year. Whether you’re looking to get healthier or take up a new hobby, this time of the year is perfect for some reflection. One of the top chores that people set out to do, especially towards the end of the year and into the beginning of a new year, is decluttering their space. After all, with the gifts you may have received throughout the holidays and everything you’ve acquired for your home over the course of the year, it’s the perfect time to tidy up your space. You may have heard a lot about decluttering lately, since minimalism is in right now, and among these tidbits of information, there are some misconceptions that may arise.

Here are some of the top decluttering myths, debunked.

Myth #1: You Must Declutter All at Once

Some people believe that taking a whole day, weekend, or even a week to declutter is the only way they’re going to be able to get through all of their clutter. The truth is, decluttering is something that should be done consistently for best results, which means taking a few minutes here and there to tidy up your space is advised. Decluttering doesn’t have to be a daunting process. It’s recommended to go at a pace that works for you. Maybe you tackle one room at a time or one drawer at a time. If you view decluttering as a massive project, you’re less likely to even get started.

Myth #2: Decluttering Means Being a Minimalist

It’s true that minimalist design is popular right now. From less trinkets displayed in homes to more storage solutions to conceal items, homes these days definitely emit clean vibes. The truth is, you don’t need to adopt a minimalist lifestyle to get your space cleaned up and clutter free. You’re still able to keep your trinket collection and your favorite items, but organizing these belongings is where decluttering can help. You don’t need to get rid of all of your treasures, it just helps to make sense out of them and showcase them in an organized manner.

Myth #3: Decluttering Is Wasteful

You may believe that decluttering means throwing things away, but that’s not necessarily the case, especially if the items you’re decluttering are in good condition. The main focus of decluttering is to clean up your space. This could mean:

·         Organizing items that you wish to keep

·         Donating gently used items

·         Giving items to interested friends and family members

If the items you’re decluttering are damaged and of no use to you, then there’s no use in keeping them around. Decluttering doesn’t make you wasteful, it makes you aware of what you want to keep in your life and what you can live without.

There’s no right or wrong way to declutter. When you let go of the myths and misconceptions about the process, you open yourself up to a world without clutter. Take some time and clean up your space so that you can enter a new year in a clutter-free home.