Top Tips for Decluttering Your Closet

If there’s one place your home will most likely become cluttered, it’s the closet. From clothes that may not even fit anymore to shoes that you haven’t looked at in years, a lot of stuff can accumulate in the closets around your home. You may have some closets that don’t even contain clothes, but instead serve as places for storing junk and other items you don’t use often. It makes a world of difference when you start decluttering areas of your home. Not only do you feel less stressed, you’re also able to find things easier, allowing your home to operate more efficiently than ever before. Closets are great places to start, and with a few key tips, you’ll be able to organize these spaces in your home easily.

Here are our top tips for decluttering your closet.

Take Stock of Your Belongings

The first tip is to empty out the closet you’re attempting to declutter, in order to get a feel for what resides there. If you’re finding items that you forgot you owned, it may be time to donate them to a local facility (if they’re in good condition) or toss them if they’re just taking up space. Make piles for what you’re going to keep, donate, and toss, as well as what belongs in that particular closet and what needs to be moved elsewhere. Taking inventory of your things will give you a better idea of your next steps.

Utilize the Space Efficiently

The typical closet design doesn’t always work for everyone. That lone rod running from end to end, with a shelf on top, if you’re lucky, may not be the best way to stay organized. You may want to implement closet enhancements to maximize the space and use it more effectively. You can do this by adding:

·         Hooks

·         Double rods

·         Storage bins & drawers

·         Extra shelving

·         Hanging drawers

Remember, you don’t have to be stuck with the layout that came with your space. In utilizing some of these helpful organization tools, you’ll be able to make the most out of any closet, big or small.

Declutter Seasonally

For many of us, our wardrobe tends to change with the seasons, which makes addressing your closet with each season a recommended tactic. This way, you’re consistently taking stock of what you have, what doesn’t fit, what belongs for the season, and what needs to be put away in storage. In doing little mini declutters every couple of months, it allows your closet to remain optimally organized.

Other Closet Hacks

If you’re seeking to make your closet work better for you, you’re not alone. Try incorporating some of these other tactics to maximize your success with decluttering:

·         Organize your clothing, placing the most worn items within easy reach.

·         Take advantage of all the space inside. If you have high ceilings, consider adding in storage cubbies above to maximize the space.

·         Place a donation basket near the closet, so that when you want to donate an item, you have somewhere to put it.

Implementing these easy changes will make a huge difference on the overall functionality of your closet. In starting small, you’ll be able to get a handle on your clutter, and by incorporating regular decluttering sessions into your schedule, remaining clutter-free will be a reality in your home.